Course Outline

Day 01


  • Customer-centric vs tech-driven innovation

Overview of Solution-based Thinking

  • Structured thinking and the Design Thinking methodology

Tools for Design Thinkers

  • Mind maps, idea generators, innovation matrix, what-if cards, etc.

Design Thinking for Product Development

  • Identifying the real user of your product

Case study

  • "Spying" on the customer

Gaining an Empathic Understanding of the Customer's Problem

  • Drawing pictures of the customer's natural behavior
  • Mapping the customer's actions on a timeline

Defining the Problem with the Current Solution

  • Identifying the key problems experienced by the user of your product
  • Categorizing, visualizing, and estimating the value of solving key problems


  • Customer journey: Creating a timeline with pictures, emails, quotes and actions.
  • Analyzing the key problems
  • Deciding which problems to solve
  • Presenting your findings

Day 02

Generating Ideas

  • Using visualization, mapping, and storytelling to create solutions

Prototyping a Solution

  • Tools and methods for validating concepts rapidly

Testing and Iterating

  • Real-time testing
  • Validating, communicating, and releasing your innovation

Case study

  • Fail often, fail fast

Using Design Thinking for Resolving Internal Issues within the Development Team

  • Seeing conflict as a positive force for invention
  • Managing conflict through debate and discussion
  • Empathy as a key ingredient


  • Building ideas as a team
  • Mocking up the prototypes
  • Communicating your innovation
  • Presenting your findings

Summary and Next Steps


  • Experience with designing and/or developing software solutions for customers


  • Developers
  • Project managers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

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