Course Outline


RabbitMQ Messaging Middle-Ware

  • Messaging protocols overview
  • AMQP and MQ

Java and Spring Overview

  • Spring API
  • Dependency injection

Preparing the Development Environment

  • Installing and configuring RabbitMQ
  • Installing and configuring Java
  • Installing and configuring Spring

Development in Java and Spring with RabbitMQ

  • Writing code
  • Working with JSON
  • Creating exchanges, topics, queues, and bindings
  • Publishing messages
  • Configuring a listener
  • Creating RabbitMQ APIs

Error Handling

  • Handling consumer expectation with DLX
  • Handling consumer expectation without DLX
  • Handling expectation with TTL
  • Using the retry mechanism for exchanges
  • Using the Spring retry mechanism for exchanges

Advanced Spring and RabbitMQ

  • Configuring queues with Spring AMQP
  • Configuring exchanges with Spring AMQP
  • Creating bindings between queues and exchanges
  • Using RabbitMQ plugins
  • Receiving and processing messages from different applications

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience with Java and Spring


  • Software Architects
  • Web Developers
 14 Hours

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