Course Outline


  • Overview of Node.js, Express, and MongoDB features and architecture
  • Fundamental concepts of REST APIs

Getting Started

  • Setting up Node.js and Express
  • Connecting to MongoDB
  • Using Postman

Building REST APIs

  • Designing APIs
  • Implementing routes
  • Filtering, sorting, and pagination
  • Error handling

Data Modeling with MongoDB

  • Designing a data model
  • CRUD operations
  • Using MongoDB with Mongoose
  • Aggregation pipelines

Testing APIs with Postman

  • Creating and saving a message
  • Retrieving messages from the database
  • Finding a single message
  • Updating and deleting messages
  • Debugging API endpoints


Summary and Next Steps


  • Experience with web development
  • Javascript programming experience


  • Developers
 14 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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