Course Outline


  •  Objectives
  •  Who You Are
  •  The Linux Foundation
  •  Linux Foundation Training
  •  Certification Programs and Digital Badging
  •  Linux Distributions
  •  Platforms
  •  Preparing Your System
  •  Using and Downloading a Virtual Machine
  •  Things change in Linux


  •  Procedures
  •  Standards and the LSB

How to Work in OSS Projects **

  •  Overview on How to Contribute Properly
  •  Stay Close to Mainline for Security and Quality
  •  Study and Understand the Project DNA
  •  Figure Out What Itch You Want to Scratch
  •  Identify Maintainers and Their Work Flows and Methods
  •  Get Early Input and Work in the Open
  •  Contribute Incremental Bits, Not Large Code Dumps
  •  Leave Your Ego at the Door: Don’t Be ThinSkinned
  •  Be Patient, Develop Long Term Relationships, Be Helpful


  •  GCC
  •  Other Compilers
  •  Major gcc Options
  •  Preprocessor
  •  Integrated Development Environments (IDE)
  •  Labs


  •  Static Libraries
  •  Shared Libraries
  •  Linking To Libraries
  •  Dynamic Linking Loader
  •  Labs


  •  Using make and Makefiles
  •  Building large projects
  •  More complicated rules
  •  Builtin rules
  •  Labs

Source Control

  •  Source Control
  •  RCS and CVS
  •  Subversion
  •  git
  •  Labs

Debugging and Core Dumps

  •  gdb
  •  What are Core Dump Files?
  •  Producing Core Dumps
  •  Examining Core Dumps
  •  Labs

Debugging Tools

  •  Getting the Time
  •  Profiling and Performance
  •  valgrind
  •  Labs

System Calls

  •  System Calls vs. Library Functions
  •  How System Calls are Made
  •  Return Values and Error Numbers
  •  Labs

Memory Management and Allocation

  •  Memory Management
  •  Dynamical Allocation
  •  Tuning malloc()
  •  Locking Pages
  •  Labs

Files and Filesystems in Linux **

  •  Files, Directories and Devices
  •  The Virtual File System
  •  The ext2/ext3 Filesystem
  •  Journaling Filesystems
  •  The ext4/ Filesystem
  •  Labs

File I/O

  •  UNIX File I/O
  •  Opening and Closing
  •  Reading, Writing and Seeking
  •  Positional and Vector I/O
  •  Standard I/O Library
  •  Large File Support (LFS)
  •  Labs

Advanced File Operations

  •  Stat Functions
  •  Directory Functions
  •  inotify
  •  Memory Mapping
  •  flock() and fcntl()
  •  Making Temporary Files
  •  Other System Calls
  •  Labs

Processes  I

  •  What is a Process?
  •  Process Limits
  •  Process Groups
  •  The proc Filesystem
  •  InterProcess Communication Methods
  •  Labs

Processes  II

  •  Using system() to Create a Process
  •  Using fork() to Create a Process
  •  Using exec() to Create a Process
  •  Using clone()
  •  Exiting
  •  Constructors and Destructors
  •  Waiting
  •  Daemon Processes
  •  Labs

Pipes and Fifos

  •  Pipes and InterProcess Communication
  •  popen() and pclose()
  •  pipe()
  •  Named Pipes (FIFOs)
  •  splice(), vmsplice() and tee()
  •  Labs

Asynchronous I/O**

  •  What is Asynchronous I/O?
  •  The POSIX Asynchronous I/O API
  •  Linux Implementation
  •  Labs

Signals  I

  •  What are Signals?
  •  Signals Available
  •  Dispatching Signals
  •  Alarms, Pausing and Sleeping
  •  Setting up a Signal Handler
  •  Signal Sets
  •  sigaction()
  •  Labs

Signals  II

  •  Reentrancy and Signal Handlers
  •  Jumping and NonLocal Returns
  •  siginfo and sigqueue()
  •  Real Time Signals
  •  Labs

POSIX Threads  I

  •  Multithreading under Linux
  •  Basic Program Structure
  •  Creating and Destroying Threads
  •  Signals and Threads
  •  Forking vs. Threading
  •  Labs

POSIX Threads  II

  •  Deadlocks and Race Conditions
  •  Mutex Operations
  •  Semaphores
  •  Futexes
  •  Conditional Operations
  •  Labs

Networking and Sockets

  •  Networking Layers
  •  What are Sockets?
  •  Stream Sockets
  •  Datagram Sockets
  •  Raw Sockets
  •  Byte Ordering
  •  Labs

Sockets  Addresses and Hosts

  •  Socket Address Structures
  •  Converting IP Addresses
  •  Host Information
  •  Labs

Sockets  Ports and Protocols

  •  Service Port Information
  •  Protocol Information
  •  Labs

Sockets  Clients

  •  Basic Client Sequence
  •  socket()
  •  connect()
  •  close() and shutdown()
  •  UNIX Client
  •  Internet Client
  •  Labs

Sockets  Servers

  •  Basic Server Sequence
  •  bind()
  •  listen()
  •  accept()
  •  UNIX Server
  •  Internet Server
  •  Labs

Sockets  Input/Output Operations

  •  write(), read()
  •  send(), recv()
  •  sendto(), recvfrom()
  •  sendmsg(), recvmsg()
  •  sendfile()
  •  socketpair()
  •  Labs

Sockets  Options

  •  Getting and Setting Socket Options
  •  fcntl()
  •  ioctl()
  •  getsockopt() and setsockopt()
  •  Labs

Netlink Sockets**

  •  What are netlink Sockets?
  •  Opening a netlink Socket
  •  netlink Messages
  •  Labs

Sockets  Multiplexing and Concurrent Servers

  •  Multiplexed and Asynchronous Socket I/O
  •  select()
  •  poll()
  •  pselect() and ppoll()
  •  epoll
  •  Signal Driven and Asynchronous I/O
  •  Concurrent Servers
  •  Labs

Inter Process Communication

  •  Methods of IPC
  •  System V IPC**
  •  Labs

Shared Memory

  •  What is Shared Memory?
  •  POSIX Shared Memory
  •  System V Shared Memory**
  •  Labs


  •  What is a Semaphore?
  •  POSIX Semaphores
  •  System V Semaphores**
  •  Labs

Message Queues

  •  What are Message Queues?
  •  POSIX Message Queues
  •  System V Message Queues**
  •  Labs


This course is for experienced developers. Students should be proficient in C programming, and be familiar with basic Linux utilities and text editors.


This course is for experienced developers. Students should be proficient in C programming, and be familiar with basic Linux utilities and text editors.

Experience Level: Intermediate

 28 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant