Course Outline

Module 1: HP UFT Overview

• UFT Start page

Module 2: Preparing to Record / Benefits Test Automation

• Navigate the typical GUI testing workflow

• Document the steps of a business process

• Prioritize business processes using effective criteria

• Gather sufficient test data

• Prepare the test environment for automated testing

Module 3: Converting manual test case to automated test

• Run a test and check for errors

• Save a test

• View test results

Module 4: Identify an object

• Identify objects in UFT for GUI Testing

• Use the Object Repository to manage test objects in UFT for GUI Testing

Module 5: Share Object Repository

• Identify the types of object repositories

• Manage shared object repositories using the Object Repository Manager

• Use visual relation identifiers

Module 6: Synchronization Object

• Define synchronization in UFT for GUI Testing

• Identify the uses of synchronization in UFT for GUI Testing

• Add a synchronization step for a specified object

Module 7: Using checkpoints

• Define standard checkpoints

• Add standard checkpoints to a test

• Use a regular expression to add flexibility to a standard checkpoint

Module 8: Using Parameters

• Insert an input or output parameter

• Insert an output parameter

• Parameterize a checkpoint

• Evaluate test results for iterative tests

Module 9: How to use reusable actions

• Identify actions in GUI testing

• Identify action types

• Identify action and test iterations

• Identify calls to existing actions and copies of actions

• Share values using the global data table

• Call actions with parameters

• Store action return values

• Create multiple actions from a single action

• Create a new action

• Call a reusable action from another test

• Use local and global data sheets

• Resolve missing actions

Module 10: Adding stepts without recording tool

• List the types of steps that can be added to a test without using the record feature

• Use conditional statements in a test

• Use the Step Generator

• Use the reporter object to report events in the test results

Module 11: Creating Tests on a Web Application

• Record and run a test on a web application

• Insert standard checkpoints on web objects

• Insert a text checkpoint in a test for a web application

Module 12: Testing web services with UFT API

• Define Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

• Identify components of SOA

• Define the terminology and principles surrounding component


• Navigate the UFT UI for API testing

• Create a basic Service Test (API Test) in UFT


 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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