Course Outline

  • Section 1: Introduction to Big Data & NoSQL
    • Big Data ecosystem
    • NoSQL overview
    • CAP theorem
    • When is NoSQL appropriate
    • Columnar storage
    • HBase and NoSQL
  • Section 2 : HBase Intro
    • Concepts and Design
    • Architecture (HMaster and Region Server)
    • Data integrity
    • HBase ecosystem
    • Lab : Exploring HBase
  • Section 3 : HBase Data model
    • Namespaces, Tables and Regions
    • Rows, columns, column families, versions
    • HBase Shell and Admin commands
    • Lab : HBase Shell
  • Section 3 : Accessing HBase using Java API
    • Introduction to Java API
    • Read / Write path
    • Time Series data
    • Scans
    • Map Reduce
    • Filters
    • Counters
    • Co-processors
    • Labs (multiple) : Using HBase Java API to implement  time series , Map Reduce, Filters and counters.
  • Section 4 : HBase schema Design : Group session
    • students are presented with real world use cases
    • students work in groups to come up with design solutions
    • discuss / critique and learn from multiple designs
    • Labs : implement a scenario in HBase
  • Section 5 : HBase Internals
    • Understanding HBase under the hood
    • Memfile / HFile / WAL
    • HDFS storage
    • Compactions
    • Splits
    • Bloom Filters
    • Caches
    • Diagnostics
  • Section 6 : HBase installation and configuration
    • hardware selection
    • install methods
    • common configurations
    • Lab : installing HBase
  • Section 7 : HBase eco-system
    • developing applications using HBase
    • interacting with other Hadoop stack (MapReduce, Pig, Hive)
    • frameworks around HBase
    • advanced concepts (co-processors)
    • Labs : writing HBase applications
  • Section 8 : Monitoring And Best Practices
    • monitoring tools and practices
    • optimizing HBase
    • HBase in the cloud
    • real world use cases of HBase
    • Labs : checking HBase vitals


  • comfortable with Java programming language
  • comfortable in Java programming language (navigate Linux command line, edit files with vi / nano)
  • A Java IDE like Eclipse or IntelliJ

Lab environment:

A working HBase cluster will be provided for students. Students would need an SSH client and a browser to access the cluster.

Zero Install : There is no need to install HBase software on students’ machines!

 21 Hours

Number of participants

Price per participant

Testimonials (5)

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