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Course Outline
- C++ Standard overview
- C++03 Vs C++ 11
- Automatic Type Deduction and decltype
- Uniform Initialization Syntax
- Deleted and Defaulted Functions
- nullptr
- Delegating Constructors
- Rvalue References
- C++11 Standard Library
- Threading Library
- New Smart Pointer Classes
- New C++ Algorithms
- Object creation in C++11
- Move semantic
- Variadic templates
- Lambda Expressions
- C+11 new libraries
- Concurrency in C++ 11
C++ Programming
14 Hours
Testimonials (2)
We have been show many different tools (gdb,valgrind,callgrind, google sanitizers, ...) which was really great to have a base knowledge that we can extend when we will need to use one of those tools.
Thibault Marechal - Red Embedded Consulting Sp. z o.o.
Course - C++ 11 Programming
In my humble opinion, the trainer, he has explained everything with a perfect rhythm maintaining the balance between theoretical and practical material. Beside this, the material was fine.