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Course Outline
Introduction to Internet of Things (IoT)
- Understanding IoT Fundamentals
- Examples of IoT Devices and Platforms
Overview of IoT Solutions Architecture
- IoT Components
- Analog Sensors and Actuators
- Digital Sensors
- Internet Gateways and Data Acquisition Systems
- Data Aggregation
- Analog to Digital Conversion
- Edge IT
- Analytics
- Pre-Processing
- Data Center / Cloud
- Analytics
- Management
- Archive
The Role of PHP in Building IoT Applications
Tools for Getting Started with IoT Using PHP
- IBM Watson IoT Platform
- IoT Starter for Android Application
Installing and Configuring IBM Watson IoT Platform
Installing and Configuring IoT Starter for Android Application
Building a PHP Application for IoT
- Connecting and Managing the Devices on IBM Watson IoT Platform
- Publishing Data from Devices Using IoT Starter for Android App
- Extracting Data from the Devices Using PHP
- Displaying, Storing, and Managing the Data Using PHP
Testing and Deploying Your PHP IoT Application
Summary and Conclusion
- PHP programming experience
14 Hours
Testimonials (2)
The oral skills and human side of the trainer (Augustin).
Jeremy Chicon - TE Connectivity
Course - NB-IoT for Developers
learning the full range of test development